Thursday, September 01, 2005

Pheep, blow that Klaxon!

Well, well well having apparently lost my password for months I finally tried to change it today when I discovered I had it written down on my computer all along! Stupid, stupid Jack! (ah Bone) Since the last post I have moved away from Portsmouth back to Chepstow with the folks and am typing on me mams 'puter. Tediously slow dial up means mega frustration where internet activites are concerned, especially combined with the mouse which translates the slightest movement into an epileptic lurch across the screen...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhh! I'm tired now, gonna watch a bit of Invader Zim and get some sleep. Will play more postie action now I can get into the thing again, sticking photos in might be a little awkward since this 'puter is quite old and therefore slllloooowww when it comes to doing visu...well to be honest anything. But for now adieu

Saturday, June 04, 2005

John Ross at Bubba

Last night I got the night off work, even though I've only just started back, to go and see John Ross give a talk at Bubba, a little cafe/bar place on Albert Road. I'm so glad I went, was fascinating not only to hear about the Zapatistas but also to see such a consummate storyteller go through his paces. It somewhat reminded me of my visit to Swansea to see Ken Kesey with Neil, another memorable occasion. Next stop, see Noam Chomsky speak!
The guy is quite a character, I was surprised to see how frail he looked when I arrived. Wearing a Mexican white shirt with embroidery around the neck, his brown leather waistcoat and blue jeans kind of reminded me of my dad. His face looked like he had been through a lot in his life, wrinkled and light tan in colour with a strong nose, a white goatee beard and one eye larger than the other. This was due to a beating by police in which he lost his retina, but "I am not a victim" he said. He talked for a long while, I am not sure of time but he held my attention throughout, I was sitting close and he spoke with intensity and passion, using a battered old eyeglass to see the printed texts of poems and extracts he sometimes read from. He talked mainly about the Zapatistas, the reason for the lecture tour and the centre of his work for the last eleven years or more. But interspersed with tales of the achievements towards autonomy of indigenous Mexican Indians were autobiographical anecdotes giving flesh and life to the politics of Mexico and Latin America.
"I'm a poet at heart" he said and along with his two most recent books, on the life and death of the US Left and the latest in his chronicles of the Zapatista struggle and reform, was a volume of poetry printed in Mexico City titled "Against Amnesia". Powerful personal poems dealing with the injustices and triumphs of Latin America, including one about the late Cuban pianist Ruben Gonzalez, are within as well as black and white photographic portraits of Ihuatzio elders. In fact the occasion made me wish I could have taken some shots of Ross himself, exuding energy and with his wizened, battle hardened features he would make the perfect subject for not only a posed portrait but some animated shots of him mid talk.
Once he had finished some questions lead to more discussion about the situation now US attention is distracted by the Middle East and Left wingers are gaining power all over Latin America, as well as the recounting of some details of the human shield operation in Baghdad, which he joined in Istanbul and which Pete Van Dyke was also part of. Some brief comments were made by Pete but I felt that he was taking a back seat at this meeting, letting John 'do his stuff'. A throng of people gathered around to get copies of the few books he had with him and I'm sure he would have sold a lot more if he had had enough copies to go round. As it is I managed to get copies of the two I mentioned earlier "Against Amnesia" and "The War Against Oblivion". I bought Tab a copy of "Murdered by Capitalism", I'm sure I can borrow it from her when she has finished it. I am really looking forward to reading about the Left in the US, a subject about which I know little but am ready to delve into. He signed the books of poetry with a quote "la poesia es el pan de todos" "poetry is the bread of everyone". He was quite happy to sign all the books, though I wasn't really after an autograph, to see him talking was I think quite enough to make the evening a memorable one both for the experience itself and as a catalyst to find out more about the situation in Latin America in which the past plays such an integral part.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Well need to get this day down before I fall asleep on the keyboard. Am meeting Andrew Owen tomorrow after a wake up phonecall from him, haven't seen him in so long, he is moving to Ireland! Busy chap. Today hung out on the common at a barbecue that Amy was having with some of her friends from Human Geography. Met a girl called Jess that comes from Somerset, that's three Jess's I know now. Of course she's "all about" the cider, but she has some stuff she calls apple wine that her dad makes. It excited me to think it may be like Apfelwein so she is going to bring me some, hope it is but suspicion, and others comments, make me think it will be rank. I had to decide whether to go to the Go-Off or to see Ong Bak at the cinema, not exactly a no brainer. In the end decided to go to cinema but went to a party I was invited to by Spanish friends before the film that started at 11.35. Once I was there though, a flat above the hardware store on Marmion Road, I ended up getting first to the point where I thought "I could call a taxi to get there" to the "bollocks theres no chance I've missed it" stage. But I think it was then that I decided screw it might as well make the most of the party and chatted with lots of people there.
Had a good chat with a girl called Emma who did Geology A Level and went on field trips to the Borrowdale Volcanic Group as she grew up in the Peaks and now is doing International Business and spent two years living in Russia. She has seen Night Watch!! Wish I could have picked her brains more about the lesser known Russian filmmakers she was talking about though. Briefly spoke to an Italian guy Alessandro who is an engineer in Hilsea working for the military. He said it is pretty commercial but has to keep it secret, silly military regs. Met guy who drums and whose band Thea and Emmeline are in, interesting. He seemed to like the gadgets and was telling me about the souped up 2Gb memory card he has in his phone, the same one as Alice's. But had a great chat with Angels about comics, movies and books which involved lots of recommending of stuff. I told her to read The Invisibles, always with the Grant Morrison, and Jeff Noon, ooh and Confederacy of Dunces. She told me about a couple of Lars von Trier films, Dogville and Breaking the Waves, and also about a book called Momo and a Spanish cartoonist called Ibañez. After checking out on the imdb I realise I need to see a lot more Lars von Trier films, Europa sounds excellent. Also Momo is by Michael Ende the guy that wrote Neverending Story. I now want to watch some Bunuel and saw a couple of DVD collections of short films that look tasty and a DVD set of all Jean Vigo's films and some documentaries. I am pretty sure I remember watching L'Atalante years ago, am sorely tempted to get the DVD now...
All of this quite intense discussion was to the backdrop of loads of Spanish women dancing around and drinking, bongos being played and an underpanted neighbour putting his head out the window asking to keep the noise down. Oh and a joke about a green gorilla playing tag with Sigourney Weaver! I am glad I went though I still wish I had seen Ong Bak in the cinema, not too bothered about the Go-Off though. V tired now, sleep will be good, I would like to watch Rules of Attraction, know I would fall asleep though.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Grassy Snappage

Today I finally had my Japanese writing exam, don't think it was as bad as I was expecting. All in all should be ok, it is odd to think I won't be studying anymore, well not in class anyway. Afterwards I came home and spent quite a bit of afternoon sat on the common in front of the house. Took a few Oktomat pictures, let's hope they come out. I want to shoot off the whole roll as quickly as possible so I can see what they're like. Took one of a pigeon "It doesn't know that it scares me" haha, come on the Snares. Oh in fact I have not blogged so much stuff recently, I've missed out a whole trip to London. Looks like am going to see a Moliére play on the 17th of June, likely followed by Fantomas gig in London, wahey! The fog outside my window makes the Moscow State Circus that is on the common look somewhat menacing, or at least like a set of a noirish movie. If I had my video camera now I would go and film it methinks. Need sleep now, must finish my Terramod assignment for GIS tomorrow, and thats all the coursework done. Only two exams and it's all over, shock horror.

My lovely 8 lens Oktomat...if the pictures come out.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

An hour round the back by the BINS!

Snr Dave M. Martill is back and he will be marking my (pitiful) project :-(
In other news I went out back to check the painting Blair had been doing to the outside of the house and ended up in a long winded conversation with the feisty Scottish woman with heart trouble and her dentally challenged, merry, snowy white haired, tanned husband from downstairs and across the way. It took in subjects as diverse as her ceilings coming in due to leaking from upstairs, her treks across Portsmouth despite her heart condition, vandals stealing her plant pots, new power points being installed by her chuckling husband, the BINS! and burglars doing her house over numerous times while she was in hospital until she caught them in the act when she was at home on her ventilator with wires and tubes attached and ran down Western Parade dripping blood from her arteries, tackled the culprits to the ground and nearly got arrested by a policeman until she threatened to pin him up against a wall too!!!!!
And that's magic...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Hmm project done...birthday awaits!

Well after a hectic non-sleepy few days I finally handed in my project. What a horrible time I've had of it and to be honest I just want to forget it and move on. But I'm recalling it all for the benefit of the faceless being that is the internet, whilst listening to Nagisa Ni Te and planning to watch Rushmore ahhh yeah! The last 24 hours have been a constant off again on again sensation of will he do it, will he not? And now it's done it was really a little of both. It was pretty rubbish in my opinion, good in some areas and woefully bad in others. The frantic rush when I was printing off at Liz's next door was kind of good cos it felt like it was done already. And to have someone to stress with makes it easier, I have been sat in my room staring at a screen with my head alternately in me hands or slumped on the keyboard for what seems like an eternity. Was great to look at my phone clock this evening and realise I didn't have to think "so many hours to go", bliss. A rush to get to uni and hand in thinking we were late was all ok as the lovely woman in the office was considerate and friendly, just what I needed. Anyway ended up going to the Union!!!!! and then to the good ole Dog One Eye where pool was played, gossip was chatted, friends were hugged and Rusty was seen. Damn that teacher, he really is such a teacher! *exasperated gasp* Right enough writing I am going to relax now, peace and fucking! x

Friday, April 29, 2005

Mahogany Throttle - yes they arre!

Mahogany Throttle - Traverse - Out Now on Soutrane Records

Just heard these guys tonight on Mixing It on radio 3 and they is cool. So check out their site, some mp3 for the downloading await.

Essay Donedid

Yup I done gone and handed the fella in, though I had to stick in the figures with Pritt Stick from the papers I used cos the scanner wasn't working and the technician was in Plymouth. If anyone asks, don't go to Portsmouth University it is a pile of old toss...seriously. It is so frustrating to work with substandard equipment, although if you do printmaking or something like that Portland Building is quite a nice working environment. I am somewhat biased as my building, Burnaby, is the oldest most neglected one as no one wants to do Geology anymore, or at least the uni don't want to fund it. Example, even though a big new Business building is across the way from ours they still invade our building and use the top floor because they haven't got enough space. Anyway, my advice is don't come here, i only wish I had had the balls to slag the place off in all those intolerable feedback forms that one gets given. Had to get THAT off my chest. Still plenty of work to do
this is me "enjoying" my brief respite, a celebration if you will! :-l

Thursday, April 28, 2005

AAAaaaaaaaggghhhh!!! :-l

I think the title says it all really, essay on armadillos due for tomorrow (my choice), dissertation for next tuesday, Japanese exam thursday, essay and computer assignment for friday. Oh yeah and tis my BIRTHDAY on thursday, whoop de doo! Oh well never normally do that much for my bday anyway, but it would be nice if i didn't have shitloads of work to do over it. At least it should ease for the weekend when my very good friend Neil is visiting from Maidstone and good buddies from London Ben and Erik are coming down. Sister can't make it but she has dissertation to do as well so she is forgiven. And of course Alice is arriving on wednesday so she can witness me in the middle of panic central! Oh yeah and I got a ticket for Glade festival in July (imagine the electronica joy of it all). Update over with tis time to crack on again. No one reads this anyway, but since I haven't even been writing in my paper journal the excitement of writing on the computer gives added impetus for entering my thoughts. I am hoping this will get slightly more interesting at some point cos to be honest it's pretty fupping boring now. Just think if I had written this much on my essay I'd have done another few hundred words by now...Right I'm off, nanu nanu.
See, I ain't lyin', sheesh!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Couldn't resist putting this one in, since I haven't taken any digi pics for a while was looking through the old ones. I love the feeling of dropping into the picture...or is that just me? Posted by Hello

This is what happens when you take a picture of yourself, it looks like you're grabbing the viewer by the throat! Hardcore ;-) Posted by Hello

Sunday: day of rest??

Hmm, was about to write a post about my annoyance at the time of posts being set to US time when, silly me, found the settings where one can change it all to ones liking. So now all my posts should be set to the correct time. So, it's about 12 0'clock on Sunday and I am still pissing about on the internet, bad Jack. I'm hoping the calming influence of Stereolab will prevent my recent feelings of frustration and anger at being cooped up trying to write dissertation, blah, blah, blah. In fact I may restrict myself from writing anymore until after the hand in deadline to stop the flood of boring, samey posts. Leaving myself to the percussive bleeps I am going to stop wasting time and get back on the pony of constructive work related typing...right after I roast some vegetable, cover them in olive oil and lay them on a bed of cous cous. Distraction tactics? Shurely shome mishtake?

Saturday, April 23, 2005

What a gwey day!

First of all a correction: forgetting to change the time on the last post it was not 7:12 (i.e. before I even went out) but in fact something like 2AM.

Here I sit, in my chair looking out the window. Well thats not the only thing I'm doing, listening to Black Moth Super Rainbow for one thing. The rain makes the grass look very healthy and I can imagine it thirstily gulping down all the water it can, while it can. Although the blossom on the cherry tree looks a little limp from the rain it is still a beautiful splash of colour and reminds me of when I was little and the cherry tree in my parents garden. It used to double as a tree house and I spent lots of time sitting in its branches on a tiny wooden platform...until it got old, rotted and had to be cut down. It was a stump then for years, in fact come to think of it I can't remember whether it is still there or if it's been fully uprooted. Hmm, silly, I suppose I don't see the folks place that often so...
Right ho, better start doing some work, I went to bed early last night so I could arise early. I woke at quarter to 7 but then went back to sleep til half 8. After a shower and checking my emails, which I haven't been able to do cos of the bloody router, I feel the need to crack on and get some more actual writing done. Oh how I wish I was writing something other than that...

asano tatsuhiko website

asano tatsuhiko

Go here anyone who reads this and take the time to check out his artwork too, it really is beautiful. Also it appears his music will be in a film called Trona directed by David Fenster.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Evening Sports

Just been out for my friend Monica's 21st birthday. I hadn't seen her in ages and randomly saw her this morning and she said come out. So we went to The WIne Vaults and then to Havana where i did a bit of salsa dancing. Then I made a break for home but Monica ran after me and dragged me to Walkabout where I was at the head of a conga line! AFter that we went back to hers and I played some Pro Evoluton Soccer and won 4-1 Nigeria vs Egpt. Well done number 18 Martins, two goals within 5 minutes of each other. So now I'm back at mine listening to Bearsuit, Adam Green, Joanna Newsom. Gotta get up for lecture tomorrow at nine so better get to sleep. Bring on the morrow. I had a nice text conversation with Alice today, will be great to see her for my birthday. Ah! :-D

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Back from Cyprus

Ho ho ho, here I am back in my room after a 2 week adventure in Cyprus. Was gonna do a post before I left but the taxi caught me short so I had to run off without my shaver and digi camera. Was actually not as bad as the last two week stint I did in Brittany last year, bit of stress but manageable. Well all the work is done now and handed in, its 80% and theres and essay to do worth 20%. Next mission is the dissertation which is for 2 weeks time. After thats out of the way its relatively plain sailing, to be honest I can't wait to get it all over with and have some time to do all the things I've wanted to do for ages, I've got a mountain of books to read on psychology and hominids and a load of walking to do. But I feel a hunger in my belly and must go make some hearty wholesome food in my own kitchen.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I can't see what I have to do?

Font, oh I see. Hmm just had to change the time, I wonder whether that bodes ill since it appears to be based on US time. Ah well hosted from far away like everything else these days, mobile messages travelling 50 yards from phone to phone via an orbiting satellite. New at blogging how long will this last? And is this better than 'livejournal' or 'myspace'? Just the words are better, though maybe a few pictures along the way will ease the eye of the graphic image starved. And let's face it I like photos too, and funny drawings hee hee. Better stick this thing up then and take a step into the digital world, I feel my words becoming ones and zeroes as I write. Vive la digitance!

Electronic Isotropic Ottmar

Electronic Isotropic Ottmar
This is my MSN Groups site, with pictures!!...that haven't been updated in a while. I should really get taking some and with summer coming who knows?? exciting talking to oneself, many make a career of it.

la famille Bradbury, chouette n'est pas? Posted by Hello