Friday, April 29, 2005

Essay Donedid

Yup I done gone and handed the fella in, though I had to stick in the figures with Pritt Stick from the papers I used cos the scanner wasn't working and the technician was in Plymouth. If anyone asks, don't go to Portsmouth University it is a pile of old toss...seriously. It is so frustrating to work with substandard equipment, although if you do printmaking or something like that Portland Building is quite a nice working environment. I am somewhat biased as my building, Burnaby, is the oldest most neglected one as no one wants to do Geology anymore, or at least the uni don't want to fund it. Example, even though a big new Business building is across the way from ours they still invade our building and use the top floor because they haven't got enough space. Anyway, my advice is don't come here, i only wish I had had the balls to slag the place off in all those intolerable feedback forms that one gets given. Had to get THAT off my chest. Still plenty of work to do
this is me "enjoying" my brief respite, a celebration if you will! :-l

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