Friday, April 29, 2005

Mahogany Throttle - yes they arre!

Mahogany Throttle - Traverse - Out Now on Soutrane Records

Just heard these guys tonight on Mixing It on radio 3 and they is cool. So check out their site, some mp3 for the downloading await.

Essay Donedid

Yup I done gone and handed the fella in, though I had to stick in the figures with Pritt Stick from the papers I used cos the scanner wasn't working and the technician was in Plymouth. If anyone asks, don't go to Portsmouth University it is a pile of old toss...seriously. It is so frustrating to work with substandard equipment, although if you do printmaking or something like that Portland Building is quite a nice working environment. I am somewhat biased as my building, Burnaby, is the oldest most neglected one as no one wants to do Geology anymore, or at least the uni don't want to fund it. Example, even though a big new Business building is across the way from ours they still invade our building and use the top floor because they haven't got enough space. Anyway, my advice is don't come here, i only wish I had had the balls to slag the place off in all those intolerable feedback forms that one gets given. Had to get THAT off my chest. Still plenty of work to do
this is me "enjoying" my brief respite, a celebration if you will! :-l

Thursday, April 28, 2005

AAAaaaaaaaggghhhh!!! :-l

I think the title says it all really, essay on armadillos due for tomorrow (my choice), dissertation for next tuesday, Japanese exam thursday, essay and computer assignment for friday. Oh yeah and tis my BIRTHDAY on thursday, whoop de doo! Oh well never normally do that much for my bday anyway, but it would be nice if i didn't have shitloads of work to do over it. At least it should ease for the weekend when my very good friend Neil is visiting from Maidstone and good buddies from London Ben and Erik are coming down. Sister can't make it but she has dissertation to do as well so she is forgiven. And of course Alice is arriving on wednesday so she can witness me in the middle of panic central! Oh yeah and I got a ticket for Glade festival in July (imagine the electronica joy of it all). Update over with tis time to crack on again. No one reads this anyway, but since I haven't even been writing in my paper journal the excitement of writing on the computer gives added impetus for entering my thoughts. I am hoping this will get slightly more interesting at some point cos to be honest it's pretty fupping boring now. Just think if I had written this much on my essay I'd have done another few hundred words by now...Right I'm off, nanu nanu.
See, I ain't lyin', sheesh!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Couldn't resist putting this one in, since I haven't taken any digi pics for a while was looking through the old ones. I love the feeling of dropping into the picture...or is that just me? Posted by Hello

This is what happens when you take a picture of yourself, it looks like you're grabbing the viewer by the throat! Hardcore ;-) Posted by Hello

Sunday: day of rest??

Hmm, was about to write a post about my annoyance at the time of posts being set to US time when, silly me, found the settings where one can change it all to ones liking. So now all my posts should be set to the correct time. So, it's about 12 0'clock on Sunday and I am still pissing about on the internet, bad Jack. I'm hoping the calming influence of Stereolab will prevent my recent feelings of frustration and anger at being cooped up trying to write dissertation, blah, blah, blah. In fact I may restrict myself from writing anymore until after the hand in deadline to stop the flood of boring, samey posts. Leaving myself to the percussive bleeps I am going to stop wasting time and get back on the pony of constructive work related typing...right after I roast some vegetable, cover them in olive oil and lay them on a bed of cous cous. Distraction tactics? Shurely shome mishtake?