Sunday, February 26, 2006

Two Weekends of Music - Part One

Bit of a double header this one, being as it is the true and accurate account of two weekends of veritable music in diverse and interesting settings about the metropolis of Bristol. I can't be arsed to talk like this for the rest of the blog. Oooh that just reminded me of how my mum used to think for ages that when I said "I can't be arsed" I was saying "I can't be ASKED", tee hee. Anyways I am writing about last Sunday and yesterday.

Last Sunday was the Osaka Happy Noise Tour (or something like that). My friend Tom put them on, was a load of crazy Japanese noise music people and a couple of guys from the UK. Was at a place called Native down a side street in Bristol near the old market. I came over to Bristol in the day and helped Tom pick them up and sort out the sound system etc. They had lots of fun on their laptops, all iBooks or Powerbooks bar one and when we met them in a cafe they were on the net through the WiFi hotspot, mmmm techy! So we took them to Tom's gfs house and they hung out there whilst we went and grabbed the PA stuff and then we had to get them all down to the venue in a taxi and we took the PA in the car. Actually was lots of fun setting up the system, would like to do some more gig making, but hopefully with more people next time! There were so few at the gig, probably cos twas a Sunday and raining and maybe cos Native is a little TOO tucked away. But no matter the guys were all superb and lots of fun.


Ove-naxx made some funky crash sounding stuff with some speaking over the top "My music is shit...kind of!"


Distest DJed up some crazy mashup stuff with some more poppy stuff and did some scratching.


Maruosa waved his hair bout alot and played metally electronic stuff whilst shouting.


Gulpepsh did some great beatboxing and singing of Mario tune for one.

Horatio Pollard

Horatio Pollard made loud hurty noises and some that sounded like floating in the stars using Max MSP to play samples


Germlin made mashup Shitmatesque tunes and danced around like a an epileptic.


Doddodo played last and was as good as last time we saw her. She played cute and noisy stuff through phrase samplers and climbed around a bit and waved her arms like she was conducting a mini orchestra. Everyone danced.

After writing this I have decided to add the second lot of photos about yesterday as a second post, simply cos the pics took up lots of space. So see you in a sec, bye for now!

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