Sunday, February 26, 2006

Two Weekends of Music - Part Two

And so to yesterdays crazy noise fest at the Junction in Bristol. AIDS Wolf were the main draw but lots of other bands played too, so many I can't remember them all (that may also be the alcohol). Alice came to visit this week from Wednesday to Saturday. We had lots of fun playing dominoes and Scrabble, but now I have no one to play dominoes with, sadly! So Saturday she and I took the bus to Bristol she went off to hang with Nikki and I went with Andy, John Scott and Farrow to the Junction. We missed the first two bands (one of whom were Fuck Buttons which was annoying) but there were plenty more to be had.

1st Band

The first band making noise with matching T-shirts, how sweet!

2nd band

These guys made lovely slow noise with contacts mikes on cymbals and later...a floor tom!

Orion Arm

Orion Arm doing their thang. They were great, melodic, noisy... and shouty.

cheeky nude drummer

I thought this guy was Tim Harrington at first, but sadly no. I would have loved to see Les Savy Fav again. Still had a nice line in nude drumming and hairiness.

Team Brick

Here is Team Brick enjoying himself with a cup of coffee. He didn't play he just came to watch.


And here is one of me taken by the lovely Stacey, I think its quite good. Perhaps impromptu would be an accurate description.

And there you have it in a largeish nutshell, the highlight for me was Orion Arm and whoever the guys with all the pedals were. Actually there are loads more pics of some of the other bands, one has got a tasty GREEN cab and amp in it. All in all I think it was a bargain for 6 quid, a day of lots of good music. In retrospect perhaps I shouldn't have drunk so much but then, I blame Andy and the Swindon posse. They are the worst influence I know. Ah I am listening to Orion Arm now check out their myspace page Orion Arm. That's definitely enough computery stuff for today I need to sleep. Bye for now XX.

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